Sep. 7, 1797 – Nov. 21, 1844
Proceedings of the Brethren residing in Lexington, desirous of obtaining a Charter for holding a regular Lodge in said Town, and the House of Brother WIlliam Munroe, on thursday evening Sept 7th, A.L. 5797.
Brother Wm. Munroe was chose Moderator, B. Darius Shaw, chosen Secretary.
Voted That a Petition be presented to the Grand Lodge for a Charter.
Voted that Brs Shaw, Brown and Jonas Bridge be a Committee for draught Petition for that Purpose.
Voted That the name of the Lodge be Hiram.
Voted To ballote for a Master this Evening and Bro. Wm. Munroe was chosen.
At this meeting were present
Brs. Wm. Munroe
David Fisk
Levy Meads
Jonathan Bridge
Jonas Bridge
Joseph Smith Jr.
Abyah Harrington
Jonathan Harrington
James Brown
Darius Shaw
Brs John Lamson and Thomas Lerkin(?) of Charlestown were also present and kindly assisted.
A Copy of the PETITION to the Grand Lodge for a Charter.
To the most worshipful Grand Master, Deputy Grand Master, Grand Wardens and Members of the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts — BRETHREN-
Concious of the rectitude of our own intentions, a well founded confidence in each other, and from a mutual desire to promote the interest of Free Masonry, we presume to submit this our Memorial to the consideration of the Grand Lodge – feeling ourselves more intimately connected than by transient acquaintance or the common ties of friendship, we are aiming to promote the Institution by which we are united and by which we hope to erect a Fabruk(?) plan’d in wisdom, supported by strength and adorned with Masonic Beauty.
To effect this laudable purpose, we unanimously request a Charter for the establishment of a Lodge in the Town of Lexington by the Name of HIRAM, to meet on the third Monday in each month with full power to enter Apprentices, to pass Fellow Crafts, and raise Master Masons
and that our Brother William Munroe in whose integrity we can fully confide may be constituted our first Master, and with the warmest wishes for the prosperity of the Fraternity. – as in Duty bound will every pray.
Master Masons
WIlliam Munroe
David Fisk
James Brown
Darius Shaw
Levy Mead
Jona. Harrington
Jons Bridge
Abyah Harrington
Jona. Bridge
Joseph Smith
Charlestown, Sept 7th 1797
I am induced to recommend the foregoing Petition to the notice of the Grand Lodge from a full conviction of their Merit as Masons, and should the further increase of Lodges prove beneficial to the Craft, wish the Prayer of the Petitioners may be granted – John Soley. Master of King Solomons Lodge.
One Dec. 6th 1797 the Brethren residing in Lexington assembled at Brother Wm Munroe’s and proceeded to chose their Wardens. Brother Jonathan Harrington Secretary pro tem. Br Darius Shaw chose Senior Warden and Br. James Brown Junior Warden.
The Grand Lodge having considered the forgoing Petition saw fit at their quarterly Communication on December 11, 5797 to grant the Prayer of the Petitioners and accordingly issued a CHARTER which told
To all the Fraternity to whom these Presents shall come: the Grand Lodge of the Ancient and Honourable Society of Free and Accepted Masons, for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, send Greeting.
Whereas a Petition has been presented to us by William Munroe, David Fiske, James Brown, Darius Shaw, Levy Mead, Jonathan Harrington, Jonas Bridge, Abijah Harrington, Jonathan Bridge, Joseph Smith Jr all Ancient Free and Accepted MASONS, praying that
that (sic) they, with such others as shall hereafter join them, may be erected and constituted a regular LODGE of Free and Accepted MASONS which Petition appearing to us as tending to the Advancement of Masons, and the Good of the CRAFT: KNOW YE therefore that WE the GRAND LODGE aforesaid reposing (?) Special Trust and confidence in the prudence and fidelity of our beloved Brethren above named do Constitute and Appoint them the said William Munroe, David Fisk, James Brown, Darius Shaw, Levy Mead, Jonathan Harrington Jun (?), Jonas Bridge, Abijah Harrington, Jonathan Bridge, Joseph Smith Jun, a regular LODGE of FREE and ACCEPTED MASONS under the Title Designation HIRAM LODGE hereby giving and granting unto them and their Successors, full Power and Authority to convene as MASONS within the TOWN of Lexington in the County of Middlesex and Commonwealth aforesaid to receive and enter Apprentices, pass Fellow Crafts and raise Master Masons upon the payment of such moderate Compensations for the same as may be determined
by the said LODGE: also to make choice of a Master, Wardens and other Office Bearers, annually or otherwise, as they shall see cause; to receive and collect Funds for the relief of poor and distressed Brethren, their Widdows (sic) or Children, and in general to transact all matters relating to Masonry, which may to them appear to be for the Good of the Craft, according to the ancient Usages and Customs of Masons.
And We do hereby require the said constituted Brethren to attend the Grand Lodge at their Quarterly Communications and other Meetings by their Master and Wardens or by Proxies regularly appointed, and to keep a fair and regular Record of all their Proceedings, and to lay them before the GRAND LODGE when required.
And we do enjoin upon our Brethren of the said Lodge, that they be punctual on the Quarterly Payment of such Sums as may be assessed for their support of the GRAND LODGE that they behave themselves respectfully and obediently to their superiors in Office, and in all other respects conduct themselves as good Masons.
And we do hereby declare the Precedence of the said LODGE, in the GRAND LODGE, and elsewhere, to commends from the twelfth Day of December One thousand seven hundred and ninety seven.
In Testimony whereof, We the GRAND MASTER and GRAND WARDENS
by Virtue of th Power and Authority to us commited have hereon set our Hands, and caused the SEAL of the GRAND LODGE to be affixed at BOSTON, this twelfth Day of December ANNO DOMINI 1797 And of Masonry five thousand seven hundred and ninety seven.
Josiah C. Bartlett G.M.
Samuel Dunn
Deputy Grand Master
By Order of the Grand Lodge
Joseph Laugton (Senior Grand Warden)
William Little (Junior Grand Warden)
Daniel Oliver Grand Secretary
[Note: Josiah Bartlett was elected Grand Master on December 11, 1797, and installed as Grand Master on December 27, 1797. Paul Revere was actually Grand Master when Hiram Lodge’s charter was issued, but it was signed by Josiah Bartlett.]
The Members of Hiram Lodge having received their Charter from the Grand Lodge assembled at Br. Wm Munroe’s on tuesday evening, January 16th 1798 and proceeded to open the Lodge in due form.
Members Present
R.W. Wm Munroe – Master
Darrius Shaw – Senior Warden
James Broand – Junior Warden
Levy Mead
David Fisk
Abijah Harrington
Jonathan Harrington
Jonas Bridge
Jonathan Bridge
Joseph Smith
The following business was then transacted
Voted to proceed to the choice of Treasurer, Secretary and Deacons of the Lodge also Stewards and a standing Committee
Brother Abijah Harrington was elected Treasurer.
Brother Jonathan Harrington Secretary
Brother Jonas Bridge Senior Deacon
Brother Joseph Smith Jun Deacon
Brother Levy Mead Senior Steward
Brother Jonathan Bridge Jun Steward
Mr. Thomas Bede was proposed to the Lodge to be initiated by the R.W. Master
The Lodge was then closed and adjourned till Wednesday Evening 23rd (?)
Jon. Harrington Secretary
Jan 23rd, 5798