Once again, Mystic Valley Lodge was privileged to assist Prince Hall Grand Lodge at the Prince Hall Mystic Arlington Cemetery during their annual visit on Memorial Day.
Some serious Travelling
Last week, while visiting friends and family in the Philippines, Brother Irani Magayanes was welcomed by the Brothers of Muog Lodge No. 89 in Paranaque City, near Manilla.
Another MVL Champion
On May 19, Mystic Valley Lodge was represented on the Third District Team by Brother Chris G. Jones, who had the best single game of the day (103). The candlepin benefit supported research to cure Parkinson’s Disease. Chris is with Bro. Mark Collins, Jr., from the Greater Boston Chapter of DeMolay, meeting in Newtonville.
Champions of the Dimpled Orb
R.W. Buck with other Brothers of the Dimpled Orb and their 1st Place trophies from the 2024 Annual Tournament to benefit the Brotherhood Fund. The Brothers of the Dimpled Orb Golf Club brings together Brothers who enjoy partaking in the sport of golf all around the state of Massachusetts and New England. The club meets on a regular basis throughout the spring, summer, and fall, playing at golf courses and in tournaments throughout New England. These may include weekend getaways or just a day out. It promotes fellowship through the sport of golf. To join the club, you have to be a Masonic Brother in good standing, and skill level is NOT a requirement. For more information, talk to Jon or contact RW Christopher Tonini at catddgm31@yahoo.com or (413)446-2996.
MVL at Tea Party 250th
For many more photos from the event, see Frank Kautz’s albums on Flickr.
An Historic Presentation
At the December 13, 2023 Grand Lodge Quarterly, M.W. George F. Hamilton was pleased to receive a historical photo of the signing of Hiram Lodge’s application for a charter from the Brothers Privitera, along with a nice donation to the Brotherhood Fund.