Members of Mystic Valley and Pequossette Lodges of Arlington celebrated Masonic Awareness Day by holding a food drive to benefit Arlington EATS, our local food pantry.

Arlington, Massachusetts
We’re men, each trying to be the best version of ourselves possible. We find it’s easier to do that when we’re with other men who share the same values. We’re there for our brothers no matter what life may bring, and our brothers are there for us. We help others, not just because it’s the right thing to do, but also because it helps us grow. We value honor and integrity. We believe there’s always more to learn.
by mvlhiram
Members of Mystic Valley and Pequossette Lodges of Arlington celebrated Masonic Awareness Day by holding a food drive to benefit Arlington EATS, our local food pantry.
by mvlhiram
Across the Pacific is a three-hour documentary series about one of the great milestones in aviation history: the 1935 crossing of the Pacific Ocean by a Pan American Airways flying boat known as the China Clipper.
Line producer Mike Bowes, working with Patsy Kraemer, again rented the Arlington Masonic Temple for a starring role because of its beautifully preserved vintage appearance.
More about the documentary here:
You can watch Across the Pacific on the PBS web site:
by mvlhiram
From the Boston Globe, June 23, 1922, page 5. Thanks to Arlington Historian, Richard Duffy, for this discovery. The circus was a fundraiser for the new building, and it looks like it was a huge event in town. If you happen to run across any photos or flyers from this event, please let me know – Alan.
by mvlhiram
Just Brothers hanging out together in the cloud. The homework assignment is to come up with ideas for how we as Masons can help the community in this time of crisis.
by mvlhiram
Like all other Massachusetts lodges, Mystic Valley has “gone dark” for the duration of the COVID-19 pandemic, but that doesn’t stop our Brothers from sharing fraternal time together.
by mvlhiram
Bro. Ted Wilson delivers a $1,000 donation to the East Somerville Community School from the Mystic Valley Lodge Angel Fund. Pictured (left to right) are Carlie Calioro, counselor/educator; Obed Morales, principal; me; Laura Bonnell, Assistant Principal. The funds will provide holiday gifts to 30+children including 3 who just lost everything in a fire.